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King’s Community Church Poitou Charentes is committed to the safeguarding, care and
nurture of everyone without our church community.
In all these principles we will follow legislation, guidance and recognized good practice.

If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or is at risk, do
not hesitate to contact our safeguarding officer listed below for advice and

As Christians, we are called to recognise and respect the individuality and
dignity of all people. We have a special responsibility to safeguard both the
children and young people entrusted to our care, and the vulnerable adults
who are part of our church community. Our work with children, young
people and adults takes many forms and it is the responsibility of each of
us to prevent abuse in all forms: physical, emotional, sexual or neglect, and
to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect. We will work with all
individuals regardless of race, disability, gender, culture or creed and
ensure that we are constantly mindful of their welfare.

Any questions, allegations or suspicions must be directed immediately to
the King’s Community Church Safeguarding Officer.

Safeguarding Officer: Vanessa Whyte
E- mail.

Reverend Roy Carter

Intro about church in France

It is a delight to announce that the Rev. Roy Carter is a church planter in the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE). After a period of discernment, it became apparent to everyone involved that Roy should be commissioned to lead and grow a new church in France, under the oversight of Bishop Andy Lines and as part of the AMiE family.

Since our beginnings as a Convocation at the end of 2020, our focus has been on starting and strengthening churches in England for the salvation of many and the glory of God. However, our Constitution and Canons have always allowed us to offer gospel support and partnership to those outside England who share our doctrinal convictions and ministry culture, and who are seeking an Anglican home.

It has been such a privilege to spend time with Roy and his wife Carolyn. Both are godly and gifted, with an infectious passion for spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our prayer for them, and for all those committed to Kings Community Church, is that their King and Saviour will use them to further the name of Jesus in a needy part of the world. May this new church be the first of many more Anglican communities in France that teach and live out the good news of God’s precious Word, the Bible!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to Christ?

I lived most of my childhood in Norwich. My father was a farm manager after the second world was ended. It was a July evening in 1961 that I, along with some friends reluctantly went into a church hall on a housing estate in Norwich to watch a Christian film by the Billy Graham organization called “Wire Tapper”. It was the story of a onetime gangster called Jim Vaus and how he became a Christian. An invitation was given at the end of the film for anyone to go forward and find out more about being a Christian. It was as though someone got me by the shoulders and gently pushed me down to the front at which point the minister took me aside and explained the Gospel beginning with John 3:16.
The invitation was then given to me, “Would you like to accept Jesus as your Saviour?” Believe me, I couldn’t wait! I prayed a prayer of salvation and Jesus came into my life; turned it upside down and inside out, and He is still working on me as a work in progress!!

What do you love most about being a Christian?

In simple terms, life has no meaning, no purpose at all without living it with Jesus. If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation, the old has gone, a whole new life begins and continues every moment. The utter joy and privilege of knowing that I am a child of Father God through being born into His family by a spiritual birth that will last for both time and eternity. Life has no meaning in any way at all without Jesus. Since coming to know Jesus as my Saviour, Lord, and King, all I have ever wanted is to serve Him. If I cannot do that, then there is no point in being alive!

Tell us more about Kings Community Church and how it began?

Just before Christmas 2022, a member of the Chaplaincy of Christ the Good Shepherd, within the Diocese of Europe, came and shared their deep concern about the Church of England, which very much matched my own concerns that had been growing over a number of years. We discussed the direction the Church of England was travelling which caused a great deal of sadness and we realised we had to search for an alternative.

I then considered the possibility that there might be others who agreed with our Biblical position and decided to do some research. I came across AMiE and GAFCON. My response was one of great motivation to find out more, as at last, there seemed a way of continuing as a Bible loving Anglican along with the authority of the 39 Articles of Religion. The overwhelming feeling was that I wanted this to be our ‘home’ where we can have a wonderful sense of belonging and sharing in a Gospel ministry with brothers and sisters that would be profoundly meaningful. Much prayer has gone into these last few months along with a heartfelt longing to be part of the AMiE family. We praise God with a huge sense of gratitude that we are no longer disenfranchised Biblical Anglicans with no home, but now in every sense BELONG! I felt ‘driven’ by the Holy Spirit to care and pastor these dear brothers and sisters along with the desire to teach and preach the one and only Gospel of salvation and for us all in the fellowship to “grow in grace” in such a way that our God is honoured, served, worshiped, and witnessed to.

We now have so much to praise God for as we have a Church Council and faithful supporters and contributors of King’s Community Church.

What can be praying for you?

• For growth in number and also of believers in their relationship with Jesus and with one another.
• For opportunities for evangelism.
• For protection from the Enemy!
• For our finances.

Quote from Bishop Andy Lines
Church Warden:
Carolyn Carter
Tel: 06 12 13 70 07

Office (for postal deliveries)
5 rue Guillaume le Noble, Nanteuil en Vallee 16700
Tel: 06 12 13 70 07
Registered Association:W163004845